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Category Schedule Overview​

For web application only

The category schedule module allow you to set the visibility of a category.

You may either set the visibility manually or automatically by a scheduled time setting.


Related modules:



Getting there

In the navigation menu, select  Web application > Product schedule. 

Access level requirement to control this module.

























Enable or disable category visibility

Select either enable or disable or change the current status of your categories. 

Enable = Visible 

Disable = Hide


Category list arrangement

The "Arrange By" function allows you to rearrange the position list of your category interface view for 

your web application. Adjust the position number as indicated in ascending order. (1 is in the first position)



Category Schedule

The  category schedule is require to activate by checking the active button to enable this function. 

Set the Start time and end time in 24 hours format. Click save to complete. 

The category will be enable base on your time configuration. 


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