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Stock Adjust Module Overview​

Inventory  or stock may be changed in some way, or sold as it is.

Suntoyo provides perpetual inventory system, you update records as each item of inventory is purchased or sold.


The stock counts are updated in real time 

You will still need to do occasional stock takes to confirm the stock is accurate. 


Getting there.

In the navigation menu, select Modules > Stock adjust.​

Notes: Your user role permission level determine if you have access to this module.
























1.0 Adjust Stock

The stock adjust function determine your stock movement control.

  • Adjust in

Increase input numerical value. Example from 0.001 to X quantity.

  • Adjust out

Decrease Input numerical value. Example from -0.001 to -X quantity (Minus symbol is required)*.​

  • Wastage

Wastage Input numerical value. Example from  0.001 to X quantity.


1.1 Units Cost

The unit cost calculate on average to scale with your sales profit and loss.

  • Static Cost 

Input numerical value. Example from 0.001 to X quantity.

  • Adjust out

Input - numerical value. Example from -0.001 to X quantity.  â€‹

  • Wastage

Input - numerical value. Example from  0.001 to X quantity.

Stock Adjust1.JPG

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